A Full Day of Fun

A Full Day of Fun
John Menendez - June 29th 2022
Honestly, the title really goes without saying! Every day here at camp is fun and filled to the brim with adventure and excitement—but today in particular stands out. A good night’s sleep led right into an amazing breakfast of pancakes and sausage (which the Huckleberry boys promptly drowned in syrup), and topped off with grits, the breakfast really set the day up for success. After a wonderful sermon given by Molly C., the boys went off to clean their cabins, with the usual reluctance. However begrudgingly, they finished their janitorial duties and proceeded on to their activities for the day, which for brevity, I’ll summarize the highlights in a bullet list!
- Lucas O., William B., and Brayden C. earned their Gold bar in Climbing! Congratulations!
- Owen W., EJ L., Ellis B., and Grayson W. all completed their Bronze in Rocketry, with Hudson E., John C., Wix F., Wright G., and Case Emory completing their Silver! Quite the successful launch day!
- Walker D. and Rogers H. earned Silver in Tennis!
- In Diving, Harrison C. and Mason S. both earned Silver!
- Eli F. built a fire with foraged wood, and lit it with one match to earn an elective mark!
- Hale S. put the final touches on his pottery piece glaze!
- Last, but perhaps most exciting, another camper has completed the elusive Gold bar in Riflery! John C. wrapped up today, christening his rifle “Boomstick”!
We also sent out a fun trip today when the climbers headed to Linville Gorge to climb at the Chimneys. Our intrepid alpinists were Ben H., Briggs F., Fox S., Wills W., and Wyatt M.!
Today marked the beginning of a new camp tradition (or rivalry!?) between the archers of Merri-Mac and Timberlake. A van of the best Merri-Mac archers arrived after lunch, challenging our very own Mighty Men of Timberlake (Seriously, who do they think they are?) to an archery tournament. Dealing a crushing blow to the visiting team, Lucas O., Richard B., Jack V., Brayden C., Gus C., Barrett C., Henry M., Ryker R., and Henry O. claimed a trophy bow as their prize—legend says the bow is made from solid gold. Until next year, Merri-Mac!
Anyways, tonight is perhaps the most exciting evening activity of all—Commando! The forecast calls for water balloons on Spencer’s Green, with occasional flying socks. Be sure to wear your life jackets and helmets, especially if you find yourself trapped in an imaginary circle of cones! Good times are sure to be had by all.
That’s all to report from today, so I wish everyone the very best as we come to the close of Session 1.
Teddy Oakey
Huckleberry Cabin Counselor
Canoeing Instructor