Thursday Jersday
Thursday Jersday
Today, several campers woke up to one of the most exciting days yet at camp. Campers woke up with the spirit of their favorite sports team wearing jerseys for Jersday and hungry for a camp favorite breakfast, Shapes! Yes. It is a camp feast that consists of a steaming hot circle of sausage, square cheese, hash-browns, and eggs baked in the shapes of circles and squares smashed in between two buttery biscuits with gravy.
The Greybeard trip went out today. The eldest of the camps sleep in and get breakfast delivered, then they set off on an adventure! The campers John B, Brayden C, Parker D, Jack D, Will E, Eli G, Nick G, Parker H, Will M, Rees R, Garrett S, Daniel V, Noah V, Reid S, and Chase G served in the morning doing a service project for the community and got to spend the rest of the day looking for fun things to do in the mountains of Asheville. Another group of campers were eager to head out for another adventure. Giancarlo Z, Ryan S, Kirke F, Carson K, Brit M, William V, Rendon F, Benjamin P, Simeon S, James A, Powell M, Cole R, and Grant D all had their eyes set on the raging Pigeon River and their paddles ready for the high rapids that their water shoes already got a taste of from the rain the other day.
During classes today, airsoft played a 5v5 match in class today utilizing the entire arena. Fish were being reeled in all day. During 2nd period, five kids caught fish including William N who caught 2! Lucas B won a fencing bout. Fin C made a cup for his mom in pottery. Logan O and Brodie B were both showing off their inner robin hoods shooting groupings in archery towards their bronze. It was a good day to be shooting groupings as there were over a dozen campers at riflery during free time today. Also during free time, mountain biking taught a jumping class.
The rain came rolling in just before dinner, and the dash from classes to dinner surely was a sight to watch and sure to be a memory for some. Everyone was soaked and excited for a warm bowl of chicken alfredo and ice cream for dessert. As the skies began to clear up, it was time for evening activities! It was cabin night for senior camp! The cabins each got to choose unique fun things to do as a cabin throughout camp. Little Piney did the slip n slide and s’mores. Big Piney is playing the hunger games as well as finishing of the hunger tonight in the big house with some dessert. Stomper’s Knob had a free swim. Little Slaty has a free canoe and Big Slaty is having a beach night luau! Closing off the evening activities, the black bears will be facing the golden eagles in a 3 round match of battle ball.
Joseph Hani
Further In counselor