Closing Day Second Session
Closing Day Second Session
Closing Day of second session 2022 is in the books and it was a day to remember. It was a pleasure welcoming all our camp families to property today for our closing ceremonies. We sang some of our favorite songs and took time to celebrate some of the highlights of what has been an outstanding couple of weeks here at Timberlake.
We recognized our tribal leaders: Brayden C, Nick G, Charlie C and Luke H for the Black Bears and Garrett S, Reid S, Elias W and Teddy M for the Golden Eagles.
We also celebrated our most improved and most outstanding for each activity and those were as follows:
Airsoft: Cam M and Parker D
Archery: Jude H and Aubrey S
Backpacking: Jude H and Graham W
Basketball: Jaik W and Garrett S
Canoeing: Phillip H and Garrett S
Climbing: Brit M and Brayden C
Disc Golf: Noah F and Gary M
Diving: Hutton S and Jack W
Fencing: Noah P and Jack V
Field Sports: Graham W and Logan O
Fishing: William N and Pace L
Fitness: Sam G and Eli G
Guitar: Bennett G and Mac P
Improv: Reed P and Andrew R
Kayaking: Powell M and Garrett S
Mountain Biking: Sanders H and Charlie D
PAWS: Britt M and Alex H
Pottery: Connor T and Patrick A
Riflery: Jacob H and Will M
Rocketry: Cam M and Mac P
Swimming: Carson K and Jack H
Tennis: Mac C and Andrew R
Wrestling: Parker D and Pace L
Each cabin voted on an honor camper for the session. This is a tremendous honor and we are happy to recognize Eli M, Harrison B, Luke M, George dB, Will M, Garrett M, Benjamin P, Cam M, Gary M, Graham W, Andrew R and Eli G.
Finally we recognized our two newest Little Chiefs: Garrett S and Brayden C
Oh yes, and I did I forget to mentioned we announced the winner of the banner?
Drumroll please….The Golden Eagles!
As a camp director, closing days are the definition of bittersweet. After weeks of building a community together and watching our amazing campers grow in remarkable ways, it always leaves me a little sad to say goodbye and know we will have to wait another 50 weeks until they are back again next summer. At the same time, it is hard to put into words the joy Catherine and I feel when we get to see our families reunite and see our parents immediately begin to recognize that same growth that we’ve had the privilege of witnessing throughout the session.
As our Second Session campers departed, we hope they did so as a slightly better version of themselves than when they arrived. The same great kids, but with an extra does of courage that comes from trying new things, an extra dose of humility that comes from learning that some things are really hard, an extra dose of grit that comes with persevering and trying again, and finally an extra dose of empathy that comes from living in community, and sharing life together as a family of brothers for their weeks at camp.
Those four character traits, Courage, Humility, Grit and Empathy, are things we reference regularly here at Timberlake as we encourage our boys in their journey towards becoming fine young men and we are so appreciative of all our families trusting us with being a part of that journey each year.
Until next summer!
John Menendez
Director, Camp Timberlake
Proud Golden Eagle