A great first full day

A great first full day
It was a beautiful morning here at camp. With a good night’s rest behind us we woke up refreshed and ready to start our first day of classes. As we headed down to The Tuck for breakfast of cinnamon rolls and an oatmeal bar we fueled up our tanks for the day to come. We had two different trips going out today, white water rafting and a day hike to an incredible waterfall, good luck out there guys! Our rafting trip consisted of Franklin P., Cole R., Liam T., Carson B., Aiden M., Zach M., Franklin J., Jon Carlos P., David C., Benjamin W., and Jack S. We had Matthew St. G, P., Ferdinand B., Will S., Oliver G., Bay J., Eli V., and Andrew St, G on our day hike.
Here at camp, we had a very productive day, in Improv class the campers created some original characters that we will hopefully get to see during our Vespers skits. Looking forward to it guys! Fencing drilled in the fundamentals today, setting up for a great two weeks to come! Theo T. got a grouping in Riflery class today, way to go, dude! Reynolds A. got his bronze in Climbing today, keep on shredding man!
In second-period Tennis class today Evans T. worked hard to improve his backhand, keep it up! Just up the road at The Mark during Fitness class today Declan Q., John W., and John M., all got their bronze, good stuff you guys!
After lunch and rest time we raced to free time we had a big game a beach volleyball going and Bradley J, Davis O, Will R and Evans T also had an epic game of spikeball. After free time today we got the biggest rain of the summer so far, and while classes took shelter indoors during the storm after the storm arose many fun opportunities. In fourth-period Tennis class joined Climbing to build a dam in the creek next to the climbing tower and had leaf boat races! As we headed down to the Tuck for dinner we get ready for one of the best evening activities camp has to offer: The Great Escape! A game where teams of all ages run around camp trying to earn letters that spell out a certain word, the first team to complete this word wins! Good luck to all who are playing tonight and thank you all for stopping by to check out the awesome day we had here at Camp Timberlake! Goodnight and God Bless!
Colby Short
Big Piney Counselor
Head Wrestling Instructor
Proud Black Bear