Happy Opening Day 3B!

Happy Opening Day 3B!
Session 3B is off to a flying start here at Camp Timberlake! Today has been a day full of friendships both old and new as we get underway in what is sure to be our best session yet.
This morning as our families checked in, it was a blast watching old friends reunite and new friends meet for the first time. As a camp director, watching those early interactions is especially fun because we know just how close all of our campers will become with their cabinmates and new friends over the next several weeks.
Speaking of cabins, we spent most of the early afternoon today as cabins, enjoying a picnic lunch, testing out the cool fresh lake water together in the swim check, and getting to know one another during our ‘cabin talks’. As the afternoon wore on, however, things turned tribal here at Timberlake as we all headed to tribal initiation. Here at camp we have two tribes, the powerful Golden Eagles and the mighty Black Bears. A camper is initiated into a tribe on his first day at camp, and once he is in that tribe, he is in it for life. Each night we compete in epic games and tonight was no exception. However, we first had to found out which tribe our newest campers would be joining.
Our new Black Bears are:
J Taggart A, Brooks B, Jack C, Laban C-G, David H, Thomas Ho., Thomas Hu., Cash K, Rigby K, Harry K, Becket K, Todd Michael P, Isaac R, Lucas R, Everett R, Matthew St. J, Blake S, Mac G, Tyler R, Gage S, and Pierce S
Our new Golden Eagles are:
Wyatt B, Christopher B, Cooper B, Marcos C, Stephen G, Jack H, Reed H, Franklin J, Connor L, Hunter L, Alex M, Max M, Joncarlos P, Connor P, Franklin P, Alexander R, Kaito T, Nicholas VS, Ben W and Micah G
After tribal initiation each tribe learned some of their tribes chants and then we headed off to enjoy a delicious dinner. We are proud to say that we have the best camp kitchen staff in the country and tonight they did not disappoint as we dined on fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, dinner rolls and a garden salad topped with mandarin oranges and blue cheese. After dinner we sand a raucous rendition of Happy Birthday to Gage S, followed by cake for his cabin and apple turnovers for the rest of us.
After dinner we found out what activity we’d be playing this evening…Sock War! For those who may be new to camp, Sock War is perhaps the most famous of all evening activities here at Timberlake. Picture a giant, capture the flag style game played over a large area of camp where campers throw balled up sock at one another to get them out and you can kind of get the idea. It was a tightly contested competition tonight and we’ll have to wait until tomorrow at lunch to find out which tribe emerged victorious.
As the sun sets here in the North Carolina mountains, the guys are setting in for a well deserved night’s rest. Tomorrow is the first day of activities and it promises to be a great one. Thanks for tuning in to the Timberlake Blog this evening and be sure to check back in every night to hear all about the incredible activities and adventures happening here at camp.
Signing off,
John Menendez
Director, Camp Timberlake
Former Big Piney, Big Slaty and Greybeard Counselor
Sultan of Fun Emeritus
Proud Golden Eagle