A Full Throttle Day
A Full Throttle Day
As reveille echoed throughout camp this foggy Tuesday morning, the men of Timberlake headed down to the Tuck for another day full of friends and adventure. We started the morning with a hearty breakfast of eggs, sausage, and potatoes and made our way up to the chapel where we sang some camp favorites like “Pharaoh Pharaoh” and “Every Move I Make” and heard a true story from our favorite camp director John Menendez. Then, we headed to cabin cleanup and got to work, with the cabins once again looking to gain early leads on their 9 other competitors in the race for the Golden Plunger.
As the morning activities began, lots of boys honed their skills in activities. Theo T. and David E. earned their Bronze in Tennis while Evans T. knocked out his volley requirements. Matthew A. battled hard for his Silver in Airsoft and Reid S., David C., and Theo T. earned their Silver in wrestling. Theo T. also later earned his Gold in Improv! Along with bars, many classes played fun games to get the competitive juices flowing. Tennis played King of the Court, where Andres D. stood victorious, and Swimming did relay races after they learned backstroke and butterfly.
After an action-packed morning, Camp Timberlake once again headed to the tuck where we were greeted with the wonderful news that the kitchen had spoiled us and we would be having mini corn dogs, mac and cheese, AND tomato soup. After that delicious meal, the cabin cleanup scores were revealed, with the cabins of Stompers Knob and Further In coming in a tie for first place. Way to go boys! As the cheers from those cabins died down, the fun skits began, as camp received a visit from Captain Tardy Pants, a man who is perpetually late, only to be temporarily silenced by camp’s favorite heroes Ping and… just Ping, Pong was nowhere to be found. Despite his best efforts, Ping lost in a game of rock, paper, scissors as Captain Tardy Pants cheated, and the camp now anxiously awaits the fate of Ping and Pong. Will they reunite? The suspense didn’t end there, as Sultan of Fun Archie Dees announced the winner of Age of Empires from Monday night, with the *drum roll* Black Bears coming out on top. Way to go Black Bears, but the Golden Eagles will be looking for redemption in just a few hours. Lunch wrapped up and we headed to rest time, the best time of course, where campers recharged before sprinting over to the beach for trading post and fun games of spike ball, gaga ball, and tetherball.
As third period rolled around, the campers hurried on over to their activities. The Disc Golf and Basketball classes worked toward bars and the Kayakers started to work on their paddling skills. As soon as the Paws class started to give the puppies a much-needed bath time, the wind shifted and the storm clouds drew near, and all of camp received a shower, cutting 4th period short. However, lots of campers were still able to hone their new skills on trips! Peter Q., Declan Q., Ford B., Will S., Davis O., and Marcos C. went climbing while Cooper B., Will R., Max W., Hudson S., Cooper E., Peyton S., John W., and Maverick H. kayaked on the Lower Green.
As the sky cleared, Camp Timberlake headed back to the Tuck for the last time today and enjoyed a delicious meal of chicken alfredo, roasted broccoli, and biscuits. The neighborhood tables offered a strawberry fields salad and rice and beans, and a dessert of sugar cookies topped it all off. After we fueled up, Archie Dees announced the evening activities: junior camp would be playing soccer while senior camp would be playing ultimate basketball, an electric way to wrap up the day!
Thank you all for checking in and can’t wait to do it all again tomorrow!
Stay Classy,
Carson Hays
Little Slaty Counselor
2x Little Slaty Camper
Proud Golden Eagle