Another great day at Timberlake

Another great day at Timberlake
Another full and fantastic day is in the books here at Timberlake. There’s a lot of action to get to so I’ll just jump right in. We began our day with delicious breakfast burritos, a grit bar, yogurt, granola and freshly sliced cantaloupe. We also sang a rousing Happy Birthday to Henry O who turned 15 today. Normally we wait until lunch to sing to the birthday guys but as you’ll see later on, we had to be sure to catch Henry and celebrate him early today. After that we finished the wake up routine by raising our voices to the heavens in the morning yell. In chapel we sang amazing grace and heard another true story before rushing off to clean our cabins. With only two days to go until the golden plunger and pizza party are awarded to the cleanest cabin in camp, the campers were eager to give it their all.
After chapel we had several trips head out. The first was a Fly fishing trip up to wilson’s creek. Allen W, Jimmy A, Henry L, Alex B and Wesley S spent the day out on the water, working on their roll casting and reeling in a couple whoppers.
We also sent out a big climbing trip to the Chimneys. This is a beautiful climbing location located north east of camp in Linville Gorge. Many of our intrepid adventurers were coming on natural rock outside for the first time today and they crushed it! Those guys were: Mose C, Elliot A, Nathan W, Patterson S, Alex P, Luke M, Walker Stamps, Holden G, Max M, Kai J, Graeme W and Murphy D.
Finally some of our older campers headed out on an overnight mountain biking trip. With their sights set on one of the premier mountain biking locations in the state, Rocky Broad, these advanced riders were ready for two full days of shredding on the trails. We won’t see them back in camp until tomorrow evening, but we know that Henry O, William B, Richard B, Noah P, Harrison C, Hugh W and Wagner D are in for an epic time.
In morning activities the guys were hard at work. Charles L received his silver in field sports and Patrick M got his silver in swimming. Speaking of aquatic activities, Tucker L caught not one, not two, not three, but four fish in fishing class today! Finally, up on the tennis courts, Harris L, Edward I and Luke R all completed the necessary requirements to earn their bronze bars.
At lunch we chowed down on a camp classic, mini corn dogs and mac and cheese. Many of the guys enjoyed seconds and even thirds of this scrumptious culinary offering. After lunch we found out that Greybeard had scored a perfect 10 to win cabin clean up. Major props are due to Finch’s Landing and Little Piney, however, who both scored 9.75s. We also announced the winner of last night’s senior camp tribal game of ultimate basketball…the Black Bears! And finally there was a spirited debate over which cracker was superior: club crackers or ritz crackers? I never knew our campers and staff could be so passionate about their cracker of choice. After all the excitement we were ready for the best time…rest time.
In the afternoon there was more fun to be had as Robert G earned his silver in wrestling and Andrew T earned his bronze.
Andrew M, Stephen J and Knox B all also received bronze bars. Additionally, in rocketry class, Tucker C earned his gold bar. Yes, you read that right, a gold bar. Those aren’t easy to come by and we are super proud of Tucker.
After a yummy dinner of chicken parmesan, penne pasta and broccoli (counselor Seth’s favorite vegetable), the sultan of fun emerged to announce tonight’s evening activity…Search and Destroy! Huge cheers greeted the announcement of this extremely popular game.
It was a fierce competition and the results were too close to call. We’ll have to check back in tomorrow to see who came out on top. Until then, thanks for checking in with the latest edition of TimberTales. See you tomorrow!
Director, Camp Timberlake
Proud Golden Eagle