A Remarkable (Yet Rainy) Day

A Remarkable (Yet Rainy) Day
Today we kicked off the first day of activities in Session 1B. This was also the start of the largest session ever at camp Timberlake, with 177 campers. It was a great day here at Timberlake, it started off with some heavy rain which helped keep everyone cool throughout the day. Some lucky campers got to skip the first safety talk day, as they were on trips. Gus C, Andrew R, Landon S, Gavin W, Banks P, and Holden B got to go on a fly fishing trip on one of North Carolina’s beautiful rivers and had a blast. Will E, David F, Liam R, Jack K, Hudson E, Landon F, Ben H, Bronson P, Graham P, Owen M, Elliot W, and Solomon P went on a rafting trip to the Nantahala River. Despite today being the safety talk day for activities, many campers were still able to work on their bars and learn new things. Samuel H learned his roll in kayaking, which is essential when going out on a river. Charlie T threw on the wheel in pottery today for the first time ever, something that is not that easy to learn how to do. Logan W got two groupings towards his bronze in archery. Charlie V got two killer groupings towards his silver bar in archery, the silver groupings are at 20 and 30 yards and can be very challenging for most campers to achieve. Alex H hit his first ever bullseye in archery today too. Senior camp archers started preparing today for the tournament against Merri-Mac, we are currently 3 wins ahead of them. Hayden B got a grouping in riflery towards his bronze bar. In wrestling class, Charlie A helped teach Conner D and Davis A how to do new throws and holds. Alex F and Wilson B completed a half Murph for their silver in fitness class today. A half Murph is a mile, 50 pull ups, 100 push ups, and 150 squats. They both completed it in under 25 minutes! During free time Will S caught a bass down at the lake. The rain did not stop anyone from getting in the lake today. In fact, senior camp had a free swim and we got to watch Case M launch Phillip H off of the blob. Mason S had quite possibly the most flawless backflip off of the high dive that camp has ever witnessed. Hill and Ellis W learned how to play GaGa ball and quickly became pros. For lunch today we had a camp staple, Tacos in a bag. Everyone was pumped today because of this, but especially the Black Bears as they found out they won the Sock War last night. Tonight the two tribes will be battling it out in a game of Search and Destroy… maybe the Golden Eagles can find redemption.
Signing off,
Jake Highfield
Archery Enthusiast
Proud Black Bear