Every day is an adventure here at Camp Timberlake, and today is no exception. As we continued to kick off our very first session of the summer, there was no shortage of excitement and fun! Our campers started today off like any other with the 7:00am Reveille before they all (some more awake than others) went down for breakfast. This morning, the kitchen prepared a classic spread of bacon, eggs, and potatoes alongside the breakfast bar. Following breakfast, campers were led in daily worship under the chapel singing classic worship songs. Per usual, the entire camp united their voices and spirits to chant the camp hymn; something that never fails to bring campers together. 

Today also brought us tribal leader elections. For the Golden Eagles, the people chose Sam C. to be chief, Noah P. to be elder, and Rieves J. and Luke H. to be the lookouts. The Black Bears chose Barret C. as chief, Case M. as elder, and Robert I. and Charles L. to be their lookouts. 

Next up on the campers’ agendas was to go clean their cabins. Getting back into the flow of camp always causes some low cleanup scores the first few days but today, the campers seemed to have locked in. Many cabins improved their scores by as much as four whole points (out of 10). Only so many cabins could be winners however. Today, that honor was split between four cabins: Big Piney, Tiger Tooth, Big Slaty and Greybeard. As the days pass, campers tend to get more and more competitive while the true cleaning experts emerge to take the lead for the golden plunger. 

Two trips were sent out today including a climbing trip to Chimney Rock in Linville Gorge where Eli R, Jack D, Walker S, Sawyer C, Myers S, Charlie T, Weston L, Andrew C, Hayes W and Patterson S enjoyed some beautiful views and big climbs. We also sent a group of intrepid paddlers whitewater rafting on section 9 of the French Broad River. Those adventurers were: Gus T, Zach W, David F, Henry L, Andrew T, Owen M, Connor T, John L, Sam G, Dylan H, Parker Jones and Edward T.  These trips serve to give campers unique experiences and try new things while being accompanied by their camp friends in a safe environment. Both trip groups returned to camp with exhausted yet excited faces ready for what was up next!

Lunch today was a staple at Camp Timberlake: mac and cheese and mini corn dogs! People argue on the necessity of ketchup for either section but everyone can agree it is a classic camp meal.

Today’s activities resulted in several notable moments and accomplishments. Down at the Ranges, Andrew K. got a grouping in archery from 10 yards, Luke R was awarded his bronze in riflery, Tobias C. shot a 2 inch grouping in riflery, and last but not least, Sam C. managed to get not one, but two 20 yard groupings in archery! In other activities, King M-M started strong in fencing scoring 3 points on his instructor in his first ever rally! Edward B. and Porter S. dominated in disc golf today, finishing -5 overall! Wrestling class worked on their stances, double leg takedowns, sprawls, and played everyones’ favorite game: toe tag! Sam G. completed the pump track without pedaling in mountain biking! Finally, Miles A. clinched his basketball game by hitting a clean 30-foot 3-pointer! 

For dinner, the kitchen served up turkey, gravy, and mashed potatoes with the option for spaghetti marinara at the neighborhood tables. As usual though, dinner is not just about food here at camp, it gives a chance for cabins and tribes to bond and build hype for the evening activity of the day! Today, Junior and Intermediate Camp were sent to their cabin nights where they participated in activities including but not limited to: free swim, s’mores, and a shaving cream sock war. On the other end, Senior Camp competed in Ultimate Basketball which is essentially a fun and chaotic combination of handball, ultimate frisbee, and basketball all played across the field by the Mark.

As always, campers had an incredibly busy and jam packed day this Wednesday. That business and fun is part of what makes camp camp! Check in tomorrow for a synopsis of what is sure to be an equally great and fun day!


Jack Dutton

Little Piney Counselor

Guitar instructor

Proud Black Bear