A Marvelous Monday!

A Marvelous Monday!
Happy Monday from camp!
Today we woke up to yet another warm and beautiful day and put on our most patriotic gear to celebrate one of the biggest holidays at camp, American Monday! We started the day off right with a camp favorite donut cakes and sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits for breakfast. After our scrumptious breakfast we then rallied together for a camp tradition, the morning yell, outside the Tuck.
After exercising our vocal cords we moved to a time of worship at the chapel where we sang a few worship songs and got to hear a true story from one of our staff members Carson. After this campers raced to their cabins to make their rooms spotless in hopes of winning the highly sought after Golden Plunger.
While all of this was going on many of our campers got the opportunity to leave camp go on fun adventures. David K, Carson B, John L, David F, Andrew K, Sean A, and Robbie G went on a climbing trip. Andrew M, David D, Luke H, Weston L, Sam G, and Elliot A went on a fly fishing trip. Banks P, Henry O, Ryker R, Case M, Kenneth C, Noah P, and Jack V went on a kayaking trip.
On camp property a lot of fun activities were also going on. Climbing got to climb the tower today. Diving worked on their flips and diving. Rocketry launched rockets. Junior Camp had free swim. Backpacking worked on filtering water and lighting stoves.
In the middle of all these camp activities campers got the chance to recover with gyros for lunch and a little bit of rest time after. Later campers then continued on with their day by participating in even more activities.
Today was a very successful day for campers as many of them earned bars in their activities. Teddy S and Hudson H earned their bronze in canoeing. Nathaniel H and Tucker L got their bronze in archery. Gus T earned bronze in mountain biking as well as silver in field sports. King M earned his bronze in improv by playing detective to find the culprit behind the missing PBJ sandwich. Peter got bronze in fencing. Cade D and MacRae E earned bronze in pickleball. Jamie V, Edward B, Miles A, Porter S, Wilson B, Edward S, Will C, Gus S, Wyatt F, Matthew G, Ryan H, Harrison C, Mason S, MaCrae E, Sawyer C, Grant W, and Robert I also all earned bars in field sports.
Eventually after these fun activities it was time for dinner at which we ate ravioli and broccoli as well as rice krispy treats to finish off the meal. The last activity of the day was playing a camp favorite game Super Mario for our nightly tribal game.
This was a highly competitive game between the Black Bears and Golden Eagles as each tribe continued the fight for the coveted banner. Check back in later to see the results of this epic battle!
Finally after all of this was said and done campers ended the day with some much needed rest after a very adventurous day.
Overall it was another great day at Camp Timberlake!
Elijah Cook
Stomper’s Knob Counselor
Field Sports Instructor
Proud Golden Eagle