Amazing 2nd Session Opening Day!

Amazing 2nd Session Opening Day!
Second Session is officially underway! Today was one of those days that makes you stop and realize just how fortunate you are. As Catherine and I greeted so many old friends and got to meet so many great new ones, I was struck by just how lucky we are as camp directors to partner with such a wonderful group of families.
As campers piled out of cars and headed to the chapel, the air was ringing with excited chatter. A family photo, a quick stop by the nurses station and visit to the “Timberswag” pop up shot later, boys said goodbye and see you soon to their parents, connected up with their counselors and new cabinmates, and headed off on what will be a session of friendship, fun, adventure and growth. All our cabins grabbed to go picnics for lunch, found a shady spot, and spent some time getting to know each other. We then enjoyed a quick dip in the lake before heading up to tribal initiation.
Here at Camp Timberlake we have two tribes, the powerful Golden Eagles and the mighty Black Bears. On his first day at camp, every boy is initiated into one of the two tribes, and once he is initiated, he is a part of that tribe for life. Initiation is a welcoming celebration, an invitation to a family within a family here at camp, and a chance to get connected with other boys of all ages right away. Today we initiated a great group of new warriors.
Our new Black Bears are: Penn dP, Winton F, Jack W, Thomas W, John L, Turner M, Hunter M, Freddie O, Grant S, McRae S, Mason S, Finley S, Davis T, Jake W and Cole D
Our new Golden Eagles are: Axel B, Will C, Knox C, Logan D, John F, Ford F, Thomas G, Jack H, Oliver K, Dhilan M, Henry S, Jack S, Collier V, Garrett W, Calvin W, George Y, Charlie G and Gabe G
After a delicious dinner of spaghetti, mixed veggies and breadsticks, the first evening activity of the session was announced… Battleball!
Battleball is a classic, dodgeball style game played in the Mark (our gym). Junior and Senior camp take turns playing rounds and tonight’s game was tightly contested. We always wait until lunchtime the following day to announce the winner of evening activity, so be sure to check back in tomorrow to find out who emerged victorious.
As the sun sets here in the mountains of Western North Carolina, the boys are settling into cabins for devotion and are getting excited about all that’s ahead this session. We will have updates every night here on the TimberTales blog, so be sure to check in! Thanks so much for sharing you boys with us this summer.
Director, Camp Timberlake
Proud Golden Eagle