A Magnificent Monday: First Full Day of Second Session!

A Magnificent Monday: First Full Day of Second Session!
There is nothing quite like waking up on the first full day of a new session. Everyone rises from bed filled with excitement yet with a sense of mystery as to what the day and session may hold. Today was no different, as reveille sounded throughout camp this morning, everyone rushed down to breakfast to be greeted with one of the best breakfasts here at camp: french toast sticks and sausage! After everyone had fueled up and gotten their fix, everyone headed on outside for the morning yell. At that point, some of our top anglers here at camp (Xavier B, Gabe G, Dhilan M, Zade B, Freddie O, and Ernest F) took their talents to the North Toe River for some fly fishing where Gabe G and Zade B caught one fish apiece. Also, our whitewater rafters (Kirk F, Harrison W, Charlie A, Brody R, Emerson F, Santiago M, Benjamin P, Nixon Q, Carson K, Hayes C, Davin G and Duncan N) made sure to bring their BOOFIN’ attitudes with them as they ran Section 9 of the French Broad River with class. From there the boys headed on to chapel where they sang some camp classics (including The Banana Song) and heard a true story from John Menendez about Who God Is.
After the festivities of the morning, the boys headed back to the cabins to clean! Today kicked off the race for the Second Session Golden Plunger and it was a tightly contested race at the top with Finch’s Landing coming out on top, beating the reigning champions Big Piney by .25 points. After cabin clean up the boys headed out to embrace friendship and adventure in their 1st and 2nd period daily activities where today, after some brief safety talks (safety first) boys got to enjoy their activities. Before lunch, Mac C. and Cam M. wasted no time in beginning their quest for gold in rocketry this morning and Noah P began his silver rocket! Over at the lake, Jack L. caught a 3 lb bass and Levi G got after it in diving where he earned his gold!
After 2nd period had concluded, the boys headed down to the Tuck for lunch where they were greeted with a SCRUMPTIOUS meal of mini corn dogs and mac n’ cheese!! To make an already fantastic meal even better, chicken tortilla soup (second only to Broccoli Cheddar of course) and sweet potatoes were served as well! After dinner it was time to learn who won Battleball last night. For junior and intermediate camp…THE BLACK BEARS!!! And for senior camp…THE GOLDEN EAGLES!!! Both tribes were pumped heading back to their cabin for the best time (Rest Time) and after a brief period of rest the boys got to head to free time where everybody except for Big Slaty (better luck cleaning the cabin next time) got Trading Post and Senior Camp had a free swim!!
After the boys had satisfied their sweet (or salty) tooth, they headed to 3rd and 4th period. This afternoon was filled with boys giving it their all in their activities. A few standouts were Knox C. who had an amazing header in field sports, Graham W who got 2 groupings towards his silver in Archery, and Aidan P, Mac S, and Luke H who all got groupings toward their bronze in Archery!! At the conclusion of 4th period, everyone headed down to dinner to find out that tonight we were having orange chicken, egg rolls, rice and stir fry vegetables! A delicious meal was rounded out with Lemon Bars for dessert! After everyone had cleaned up, it was time for the Sultan of Fun to shine as he announced tonights evening activity. As he made his rounds around the Tuck with everyone screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs, he found an elevated surface, climbed up on top of it where the screams only got louder, jumped and landed on the ground where the voices went quiet. The boys in the dining hall were hanging on every second not knowing what may come next when finally… EL PRESIDENTE was announced as the tribal game for the evening!! The boys rushed back to put on a tribe jersey (duh), close toed shoes (duh) an extra shirt to tuck in as a flag (duh) and a presidential attitude (duh). Before heading out onto the field of battle the tribes had to elect their fearless leaders who will lead their tribes into battle for the ultimate prize here at camp THE BANNER night in and night out!
Jack V was elected as Black Bear chief with Pace L as his Elder and Jack B and Mick L as his Lookouts. (Bear Down)
Graham W was elected as Golden Eagle chief with Wait M as his Elder and Drew D and Earnest F as his Lookouts. (Wings Up)
After evening activity tonight the boys will head back to their cabins for some post evening activities which include a free swim for Stompers Knob and S’mores for others! They will rest their heads on their pillows tonight looking forward to another great day of Camp Timberlake Second Session to come tomorrow!!
With the boys out competing right now there is no telling who will come out victorious so be sure to check in tomorrow to see that and so much more!
Signing off,
Gresham Collins
Proud Black Bear
Archery Instructor
Stompers Knob Counselor