Rolling into the Weekend at Camp!

Rolling into the Weekend at Camp!
What a wonderful Saturday at camp! We started the day strong with a breakfast of pancakes and sausage links. It fueled us up for a spectacular morning of activities.
After breakfast we lifted our voices up to the heavens for the morning yell. There we let everyone in the tri-county area know that the men of Timberlake are a force to be reckoned with.
After that triumphant chorus we headed to the chapel. There we sang wonderful songs of praise which culminated in our camp hymn. From there we listened to the big Piney Counselor, Joel L, as he gave a great talk about some of his hardships in life, and how God has helped him through it. We then dismissed the campers to their cabins for cabin cleanup and watched as they cleaned like Tasmanian devils.
From there, we got into the good stuff. In fishing, Davis T. caught a four and a half pound bass. For our non fishing parents, that is a giant.
Rocketry went on a field trip and learned about the physics that went into launching their rockets.
In disc golf, we had five campers earn their bronze. They were John W, Lucas B, Leo G, Cam M, and Riggs B.
In swimming, we had three campers earned their silver bar. They were Hayes D, Will W, and Davin G.
And kayaking there were working on some complex moves like the combat roll. Dane T had a great accomplishment of completing his first roll in kayaking.
From there we rolled into lunch. It was a great day, it was gyro day. We had a feast of gyros, pita chips and grapes. You could have convinced me that we were on the city streets of Athens.
After that, we went to the best time… Rest Time! The kids got a wee bit of sleep before they ran out of the cabin and made their way to the trading post. The most popular candy was airhead extremes, and the most popular drink was green tea. We played hundreds of games of tetherball and had an Incredible time playing gaga ball. We opened up Pickleball and field sports as well, and everybody found something to do.
We had a few more activities and then made our way to dinner where we had barbecue chicken and roasted potatoes. We also had the greatest dessert at camp, brownie delight.
After dinner, we all learned what the evening activity would be, or should I say evening activities?
We learned a great thing tonight for Junior camp. we learned that we would be playing bandit Rancheros. This game is part handball, part soccer, and part awesome.
For senior camp, we learned that we would be having cabin night. Little and big piney started out with a slip and slide, and then split off as little piney had s’mores on the beach and big piney had s’mores on spyglass hill. Stoppers knob would be playing a game of family feud inside the tuck and then would finish the night out with a cereal party. Little Slaty had a free swim, and they were also running the Slaty gauntlet. This included many aquatic games, such as a canoe race, kayak games, and so much more. Big Slaty was competing in the Mark Olympics. This included a medicine ball throw, a 100 m dash, standing broad jump, a 4 x 100 relay race, a basketball three-point competition, a penalty shootout, a frisbee throw, and a quarterback skills challenge.
Graybeard had a little something special today, they had their annual graybeard trip. They started the morning with absolutely delicious food courtesy of Bojangles. From there, they went into Black Mountain to give back to the community. They had lunch and then went out and had some fun. As I am writing this, they are currently battling against each other in an intense game of mini golf. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.
It was a great day at Timberlake and I can’t wait to see how the next one turns out!
Will Fritze
Fencing instructor
Hawksbill Counselor
Proud Golden Eagle