Day Joe Boy Cow Happy!

Well, well, well, evening good Lake Timber! Now, I’m not sure if y’all are the fancy kinda folk or nah but round here, that’s how we say howdy on one and only special day at camp. That’s right, you’ve guessed it, the Day Joe Cowboy is finally here! I know, I know, goodness me don’t get your britches in a bunch, I’ve only just begun! I see we’ve got some new faces in the audience tonight, so let me impart my wisdom upon youse never heard the Legend of Cowboy Joe.

It all began in the kitchen of a lowly humble cowboy named Joe. Using his expertise in tomfoolery and reading recipes backwards, along came one of the world’s greatest inventions, the NutDough. Now before you city dwellers turn your noses up at the sound of the name, think of a pillow, circular in shape that glistens in the light like rays of heaven shining down; a small hole cut out smack dab in the center so them youngens could hold onto em better. Think of your favorite dessert your mamaw made when youse was a kiddo and multiply that taste by 10,000, wooooweee, my tummy’s gettin rumbly just thinkin bout em. See, these NutDoughs became real real popular around the time of that old gold rush over yonder somewhere called California, whatever that is; and Cowboy Joe, being a kind soul and wantin to distribute his breakthrough to all of creation, decided to head over west to that California place and somehow ended up right here in North Carolina. Prolly from holdin that map upside down! Now, here at Lake Timber we truly do love to honor Mr. Joe’s legacy to the highest degree, and that my friends is why we celebrate once a session. To celebrate in a refined manner, we do everythin, and I mean EVERYTHIN backwards. Oh, yessir, even this here article.

In order to closeout this fine summer holiday, what better than spendin time in the great outdoors up on Spencer’s Green with all yer buddies at the Fair County Lake Timber! Youse get an all inclusive experience with a big ol’ slide, ice cut up into tiny little pieces and put in a conical cup doused in flavor, throwin around this thing that look like a plastic plate, kickin around a zebra lookin ball, a cool lookin tub o’ water that some of our staff seem to always fall into after campers toss baseballs, and lots of other fun activities.

Just before our award winnin Fair County, these boys went to chapel and got real loud and proud for an evenin holler. Followin a dinner of mac and cheese, slaw, BBQ pork, and sugar cookies, I would want to shout to the heavens myself.

I know what you might be thinkin folks, there’s no way with all this excitement that there is time for anything other than celebratin Mr. Joe, we’ll you’d be wrong! Many bars were achieved today by Thomas L scorin his gold in basketball, David T shootin his bronze in riflery, Cole R picklin his gold in pickleball, and both Ford C and Wes W fighin for their silver in fencing. An’ don’t forget Patrick H, Jack C, Everett K, Ford C, Smith B, Andrew M, Owen M, Connor T, Micah A, and Charlie C, returning from their climbing expedition at Beacon Heights; and Paxton S, Kaito T, Zach M, Jack S, Reid S, Beckett B, Theo T, Jameson S, Thomas R, Hutton S, Henry P, and Hayden D, returning from a day hike at them Upper Creek Falls.

Amongst all that has gone on today ladies and gents, believe it or not, we have made history today at Lake Timber with our very first biathlon. Yes, you read that right, three rounds of mountain bikin and shootin rifles on these here grounds. Our legendary winner to go down in the history books is none other than Oliver G, with Grant S, and Matthew A closin in on his tail.

Fer lunch our lovely kitchen staff whipped us up some delicious chicken n’ waffles alongside fruit, cereal, and oatmeal. At this here meal is when we usually announce the victors of those evenin games we play, and boy am I proud to share that them Black Bears done it again beating them Golden Eagles in a game we call El Presidente. In the spirit of evenin games, we switch things up here on Cowboy Joe Day and our boys play a few good ol’ rounds of battleball at the Mark to kick off the mornin activites. Now get a load of this, the boys never see it comin, but we staff here at Lake Timber love to spice things up every now and then. Rather than the normal reveille bugle at 7:00 am, we give these boys an extra hour o’ z’s cause the next thing they know when their little noggin’s hit that pillow at night is the sound of good ol’ John Menendez and senior staff runnin into their cabins like raging bulls with NutDoughs and cow juice in hand screaming, “Morning Good!” and “Haww Yee!”.

Alright folks well the sun is fixin to hide behind them trees in the distance and that usually means time for these boys to get their jammies on and hit the hay. We sure are thankful y’all let us spend time with your youngins for these two weeks at Lake Timber Camp! Things’ll go back to normal tomorrow don’t you fret daily schedule lovers!

Off Signing,

Burrow, Rebecca

Proud Black Bear

Menendez Child Wrangler

Pottery Enthusiast