A Fun and Exciting Monday at Camp!
A Fun and Exciting Monday at Camp!
7:00am. You wake up to a timely morning reveille bugle call. Where am I? You ask as your counselor turns on the light switch. You quickly shield your eyes from the artificial rays of light as you tuck your head under your covers. Five more minutes you tell yourself as you begin to doze back off into dreamland. Then, it hits you. I’m at Camp Timberlake! Memories of riveting activities and delectable breakfasts flood your thoughts and make your stomach rumble with hunger as you slowly regain consciousness. You look around the room and see your best friends and favorite counselors all getting prepped to begin the day. A smile creeps across your face as you wipe the boogers out of your eyes. Pure excitement fills your bloodstream as you take in a deep breath of that fresh mountain air and think to yourself, I can’t wait to see what today has to offer!
It was a rather crisp day today at Camp Timberlake with a high of 84 and low of 68. The boys rushed through the morning mist at the command “Go to chapel!” signifying the completion of the all-too-familiar morning yell. After the soul filling testimony from Chase G, the boys sprinted back to their cabins with newfound grace. Thanks Chase G!
Activities began at 9:45am and the boys of Camp Timberlake dialed in for another day of greatness. Acrophobia is commonly defined as “the fear of heights”. However, at Timberlake, it is defined as “nonexistent” after the boys scaled the climbing tower today. Lego builders got down to business and built the Suez Canal during 2nd period. “Everything is cool when you’re part of a team” in lego class.
During lunch today, it was announced that the black bears won all three evening activities last night (Copa del Rio, Bandits and Rancheros, and Ultimate Basketball). Bear Down! Also, Little Slaty and Greybeard tied for first place in cabin cleanup. I made the mistake of agreeing to bleach my hair if Little Slaty wins the Golden Plunger. I’m starting to get a little nervous.
During 3rd period, canoeing “released their inhibitions” as they “felt the rain on their skin” from a 10 minute monsoon that rolled through the property. Thankfully, Huckleberry told the rain to go away and come back another day, and it actually listened.
Hawk Eye may be a B tier superhero, but archery is an A tier class here at Timberlake. Theo T got his silver and Cash K got his bronze in archery today. Liam T and Cash K got a 20 yd grouping. Cash money! Jack S also shredded the target with 4 bronze groupings. Finally, backpacking went on a nature walk and learned the 7 LNT principles.
After an eventful day of activities, it was time to play my personal favorite tribal game: ¡ELLLLLLLLLLL PRESIDENTEEEE! Will the Golden Eagles obtain redemption? Will Peter Menendez be the president? How many times will Luke Robinson’s shirt get pulled? Find out in tomorrow’s edition of the farticle! I wonder what tomorrow will have to offer!
Until next time,
Wyatt Swezey
Little Slaty Counselor
Improv Imagineer
Airsoft Enthusiast
Proud Black Bear!