Summer is Here!

Summer is Here!
Summer 2018 is officially underway! One hundred smiling campers christened our new Timberlake property today and the boys are already off and running towards a great session.
As families arrived to camp, excited greetings could be heard echoing across property as old friends said hello and new friends said nice to meet you. One of my favorite things about opening day is watching how quickly “new friends” become just “Friends” here at camp, and today was no exception.
Our new Timberlake puppies were a hit as many a camper stopped to say hello to them on their way to the check in stations. After check in, the boys got moved into their cabins, met their counselors and cabinmates, and enjoyed a delicious chicken salad lunch courtesy of our wonderful kitchen team.
The sunny afternoon was perfect for a quick swim in the lake as all the guys did the swim test by cabin. Next we had Tribal Initiation where each new camper was welcomed into either the Seminole or Iroquois tribe. Each night, the two tribes compete to win the banner (awarded at the end of each session) and as I type this I can hear the sounds of a spirited game of sock war underway just outside. After three hotly contested banners last summer, both the powerful Seminoles and the mighty Iroquois are poised to make a strong push to win this year’s prize.
Our new Iroquois are:
Maxwell P.
Andrew S.
Philip H.
Daniel S.
Evan H.
Griffin R.
Huck P.
Elliot P.
Pace L.
Kurt K.
Charles B.
Zander N.
Hayden J.
Henry B.
Blake P.
John I.
Our new Seminoles are:
Nate G.
Wyatt G.
Banks P.
Benjamin E.
William T.
Tate L.
Henry O.
Blake C.
Dalton B.
Sanders H.
As the sun begins to fall behind the mountains surrounding camp, we could not be more excited for what’s in store this summer. Please stay tuned each night as we will keep you updated on all the action with blog posts and daily pictures. Thank you for sharing your sons with us this summer.
John Menendez
Director, Camp Timberlake