A New Day!
A New Day!
This beautiful chilly morning gave all of us here at Timberlake a refreshing start to Session 1B. As we all walk down to breakfast bundled in our hoodies and sweats, we are excited about sausage, egg & cheese casserole, and our famous donut holes. With full bellies and anxious minds, we head outside for the morning yell, then to the chapel to hear one of John’s true stories. After chapel we head to the cabins for cabin clean up, because here at camp we like to say “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”
Most of us then proceed to our activities for the day but a select few get the opportunity to go on a fly fishing, and never before seen climbing trip. Joining our awesome fishing guide on a fly fishing trip were, Davis A., Ryder B., Case E., Bosten P., Andrew R., and Fischer R. Joining our amazing climbing staff for our first ever super trip were, Alex F., Charlie A., Anthony B., Liam R., Briggs F., David F., and Will E. First they went to climb in Linville Gorge at The Chimney’s and with such beautiful weather today many others had the same idea. After they showed their off impeccable climbing skills, and took in the breathtaking views that the gorge has to offer, the next stop was to Upper Creek Falls. This spot is one of my favorite places to visit in the North Carolina, from its beautiful 60 foot waterfall, to its swimming holes and sliding rocks, you can’t ask for a better experience for our campers, besides here at camp obviously.
Now that both trips are gone we begin what will be a very productive day for many of our other campers. Lucas O. is one of them, he not only completed his 40 yard grouping in Archery, he also mock lead climbed or gold route on the tower. For those of you who don’t know, that is the hardest route we have here at camp, and is no easy feet to just climb but to also mock a lead climb, all I can say is way to go Lucas! Also having a great day was Harrison C. who was teaching some of our other campers the proper approaches in diving, and it payed off because Baylor P. learned a 3-Step approach, great stuff guys. Barrett C., and Sam C. also felt like joining the party also so they worked hard and got their Bronze in Archery, awesome job you guys! A few more bronze bars went out today for Wright G. in swimming, and Hudson E. in fitness, keep up the great work boys! Graham P. made a replica of Kilo Renn’s lightsaber so we hope the force stays strong with him has he knocks out these next two weeks. One more awesome thing to mention is how well William B. taught some bronze level drills in fencing today, keep being awesome dude! And with countless other things that could be mentioned we end another amazing day here at Timberlake, check back tomorrow to see what awesome things these campers do next. God bless you all and goodnight!
Big Piney Counselor