A Beautiful Wednesday at Timberlake!

A Beautiful Wednesday at Timberlake!
Happy Hump Day! It was another beautiful sunny day at Timberlake, with an unusually cool breeze blowing through all day long. We were blessed with pancakes and sausage patties for breakfast that fueled the boys for an adventurous day ahead. During chapel the campers repeated the song “I’ve Got a River of Life” many times as fast and as slow as they could, before Jean Marc R. showed us who Jesus is through a quick story from his childhood.
This morning, campers excelled in all aspects on the last Monday/Wednesday/Friday rotation of classes. In Fencing, Jack V earned his silver bar while Maxwell D earned his bronze bar. The boys honed their skills on the rope swing and the blob during a free swim rewarded to them for their hard work in swimming class. A very exciting disc golf match took place as well, with boys running up and down Spyglass hill before lunch. Today for lunch, the camp devoured a delicious pizza casserole dish with bread and vegetables. After the meal was finished, John announced the results of cabin clean up. Who won? Drumroll please…Hawksbill, with a (very rare) perfect 10! Well rested and ready for the afternoon, campers flocked to the Trading Post for snacks before working on their bars in kayaking, riflery, diving, and fitness. Jack W earned his gold bar in diving, while Hutton S and Aaron C earned their silver bars.
Pace L‘s hard work in wrestling throughout this session showed today as he successfully completed the Deerslayer, a task to earn a gold bar in wrestling (one of the most challenging gold bars at camp). In the Deerslayer, campers are challenged mentally and physically with a series of exercises, combining both cardiovascular strength with will to finish each task.
The overnight mountain biking trip with Reid S, Sanders H, Elliot D, Charlie D, and John B made it back to camp this afternoon with great memories from a fantastic trip where they soared over many jumps and drops on the trails. Cole B, Brit M, William V, Miles K, Braxton F, and Charlie A ventured on a climbing trip today as well, where Brit and Cole flashed the climb– they climbed up the wall without stopping or falling, very impressive.
At dinner, the boys seemed extra enthusiastic and excited from the day they just had, which was especially evident in their reaction when Kent S announced tonight’s evening activity– Commando! In Commando, the Golden Eagles and Black Bears competed by throwing water balloons at the oldest campers to score, while also earning points slingshotting balloons onto an archery target. It was so fun to watch each and every boy battle it out tonight on Spencer’s Green in hopes to win points towards the Banner of 2nd Session. This Wednesday, our campers displayed so much growth as they went about their daily activities, achieving amazing things and having a blast at the same time.
Claire Haley
Diving Instructor
Proud Red Wolf