A Spectacular Sibling Sunday!

A Spectacular Sibling Sunday!
Another Sunday Funday went down in the books here today at Timberlake. Camp as a whole got to sleep in an extra hour today, which falls in line with Sunday being a day of rest for the campers. We got to enjoy the classic Sunday breakfast, Timberlake’s famous cinnamon rolls. After this morning’s chapel and cabin cleanup, we got to witness the start of the 41st annual Timberlake Hunger Games. This session’s tributes were: Julien A, Ford B, Evan B, Brodie B, Wells F, Logan O, Will P, Andrew R, Jacob S, Michael T, Charlie V, Jack W, Gavin W, and Jack V. It had an exciting start where we saw Julien A, Wells F, and Michael T die at the cornucopia and got to watch them compete for a second life in the gulag. Julien A came out victorious, but was quickly eliminated by Gavin W. Will P ended up being this sessions Hunger Games champion, for which he will go down in history for. That being said Brodie B rocked the show with an astounding six kills. Hunger Games were not the only exciting event this morning, there was a soccer game at Spencer’s Green, a fencing tournament, and a basketball tournament at the Mark. The historical sand castle building contest was won by team Ge-gles (short for Golden Eagles) which was composed of Jay and Harris N, Ernest F, and Jim H. They incorporated meteors, sasquatch, and even the president of the United States into their phenomenal creation. In the epic fort building competition, the Stompers Hideaway took the cake. Their team was composed of Jack H, Brodie R, Nixon Q, Braxton F, and David B. The fort building takes advantage of Timberlake’s great forests and allows the kids to bring their fortress dreams to real life. We also continued a tradition like no other: Sunday at the Masters at Camp Timberlake. The winners of the back nine were Gresham C and Tyler R and the front nine will be finished tomorrow during free time. Despite today being Sunday, we still had plenty of trips go out. Luke M, Ethan C, Peyton N, Thax M and Luke H went on a climbing trip this morning. This afternoon James H, Bram O, Noah B, Drew D, Will M, Sam G, and David G got to go on a canoeing trip in the Voyager. The Voyager is an extra large canoe that can fit 10 to 15 people. They went to Lake James where they got to paddle around, go swimming, and jump off of some cliffs. Timberlake also sent out four campers on the Man Trip. The brave four were John A, Charlie A, Chance S, and Harrison W. The Man Trip is a two day and two night backpacking trip that these men will complete. Many of the campers today got to enjoy time with their sisters from Merri-Mac as today was second sessions’ sibling day. Instead of going to lunch, these campers had a picnic with their sisters at the beach, enjoyed snacks from Trading Post, and got to have a free swim before they headed back to Merri-Mac. The other campers got to have a nice nap today during THE BEST HOUR, REST HOUR! This was followed by a free swim for all of camp, another Sunday special. After taking a dip in the lake, all the campers headed up to Spencer’s Green for the Sunday cookout. Everyone was all smiles for burgers, hotdogs, and playing games out in the field. At the close of the cookout, all the campers and staff head down to the chapel for Vespers where they are met by the Black Mountain Oysters. Here they get to watch some funny skits, sing fun songs and then transition into some fun worship songs before junior camp heads to bed. While junior camp is getting ready for bed senior camp went on to participate in Tribal Soccer and Tribal Basketball. All in all, it was a great Sunday here at camp.
Signing off,
Jake Highfield
Archery Expert
Fun Wizard
Mathematical Genius