Reeling Them In

Reeling Them In
It was a GREAT DAY here at Camp Timberlake.
Today started off on a good note with Mac D from Little Slaty setting a new session record with a 5lbs bass!!!
Now speaking of campers who got bars today in their activities, Davis M earned his bronze in fencing!! Grayson H got a front flip off the high dive today!! In Basketball Charlie C, Bryson A, Carter S, Liam T, and Elijah H. It ended up raining during the earlier portion of today, field sports chose to play a soccer game in the middle of that rain!!
At lunch Time we had Ham and Cheese Sandwiches with chips for the side. John Menendez announced that Little Slaty won cabin clean up with a solid 10!!! He also announced that the Black Bears reigned again last night and won in Ultimate Basketball. Only Senior camp participated in ultimate basketball, while Junior camp had cabin night. We also found out that Hawksbill won in Junior Camp Cabin Night!!
During Dinner we ended up having the main meal as a Brisket with sliders for sandwiches and mac and cheese as the side. After the campers enjoyed their dinner, John Menendez announced the evening activity, which ended up being SEARCH AND DESTROY!! This game consists of each camper having an extra shirt tucked in similar to el presidente, and the objective is to find the kickball ball which is named the “bomb” and there is one on each tribe’s side. If someone on the opposite side finds the “bomb” and brings it back to their side without someone pulling their shirt. There are also buckets and different sports balls. There are buckets at the end of both sides of the tribes. The objective is to grab a tennis ball or a football and take it to the other team’s side and shoot it into the other tribe’s bucket. These are the ways of gathering points for this evening activity.
I would say that today was still amazing even with non-stop rain at lunch time. We still had a full slate of campers breaking records and accomplishing a bar requirement. It is looking like tomorrow is setting up to be one of the best days of the session!!! Tomorrow is set to be a sunny day for the campers here at Timberlake. Also, The race for the golden plunger is still really tight between a bunch of the cabins and we will also find out who wins tonight’s tribal game of SEARCH AND DESTROY!
See You Next Time,
Patton Shaw
Turtle Back Counselor
Basketball Instructor