Sunday, Funday!
Sunday, Funday!
Sundays are a little bit different than your average day of camp, so join me as I take you through the wonderous Sunday the boys of Camp Timberlake had.
Waking up at 8:00 on such a beautiful day as this never felt so refreshing, especially after a busy night before with such a good tribal game. We started off the day with a breakfast of cinnamon rolls and cream cheese bagels, a Sunday staple if there ever was one. After breakfast came chapel, and Sunday chapels are also a bit different than normal. Singing 4 chapel songs (Blind Man, In His Name, For all the Saints, and Amazing Grace in the style of Eagles’ “Peaceful Easy Feeling”) led us right to a camp prayer in which each of the cabin’s counselors prayed over the boys in their respective cabins. After chapel was cabin cleanup, just the same as normal. But after cleanup was a much different kind of experience than normal.
Morning activities were replaced by a much more free, well, free time! There were also some great contests and places to go to during the morning, including a frog-catching contest, a sandcastle-building contest (Won by the team ‘Skinkland in Peru’), A fort-building contest (Won by the team ‘Panthers), and Sunday At the Masters, a disc golf tournament (Won by David and Gresham on one team and Ethan and Eli on the other). All amazing competitions with amazingly skilled winners!
Lunch today was barbeque chicken and rolls, another great classic here at camp. We even had dessert during lunch today; some cherry strudels! Cabin scores were announced, and everyone did very solidly, with Further In scoring a perfect 10 and taking today by storm! After lunch, our sultan of fun announced that the Black Bears had won the previous night’s tribal game! Congrats to them!!
Today was sibling day at camp, so many of our boys who had sisters at Merri-Mac got to see them and hang out for a while! I’m sure it was welcome to see them after so long away. Afternoon activities consisted of several different tournaments, but the biggest of all of them was definitely the basketball tournament. It came down to the wire, but Team Slaty Elite, consisting of David R, Thomas M, and Drew H. Congratulations to them on winning that tourney!!
Dinner tonight was also something special: A burgers-and-dawgs cookout! With so many burgers and hot dogs to go around, there was enough for seconds! Everyone loves cookout day, myself included. It’s definitely a large highlight of Sundays for me.
There wasn’t any tribal game tonight, but there was something even more special: Vespers! It’s a revved-up version of chapel on Sundays that lets the kids really let their hearts out, watching and laughing at skits, jumping and yelling to their favorite pop songs put on by the Black Mountain Oysters, a band consisting of several counselors, and finally, some classic church songs to end it off on.
Today was both a busy and also chill kind of day, which sometimes, during the hubbub of normal camp, can be a really nice break as we get ready for the final week to come.
See you all next time,
Matthew Marshall
Further Up Counselor
The Lego Guy