An Intergalactic Wednesday
An Intergalactic Wednesday
It was a mystically lovely morning here at Timberlake, with fog all around and anticipation in campers’ hearts and minds we headed down to the Tuck for breakfast. After a scrumptious breakfast of pancakes and sausage, we are ready to begin another day. As some of our campers head out on trips to Beacon Heights and the Tuckaseegee River, they are bound to have a totally awesome day, go shred guys! On a more local note, our campers who are still at camp get rolling onto some great things here! Gavin W. had a very productive day earning his silver in backpacking and his gold in basketball, way to go dude! Also for the activity basketball, George S. got his bronze, good stuff George! Moving over to the activity of swimming, Lawson H. got his bronze, and David C. got his silver, great job you guys! Staying on the lake in canoeing class, our guys decided to construct their own version of the Death Star out of canoes, may the force be with all of you. Making our way over to the riflery range, Rees R. earned his gold in the activity, and Thomas M. earned his silver, sharp shooting you guys! During free time today, Gehrig C., Jack C, and Milo C. played an epic game of giant Jenga, one for the books no doubt. As we come to a close with a hearty pasta meal and a game of Search and Destroy, one of my personal favorites, we look back at all the great times we had here today and look forward to an awesome final day at camp tomorrow.
To all a good night and God Bless you!
Colby Short