Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday
Sunday Funday has arrived once again. Today is not like any other day. Instead of activities, lots of fun games are planned. The boys enjoyed frog catching, fort building, sand castle building, and various other fun activities.
Breakfast this morning was a treat too. The boys were greeted to a sweet breakfast of cinnamon rolls, oatmeal, and fruit! Once the food was all gone, it was time for the morning yell and chapel. Chapel on Sunday is also not like any other day. On Sundays, we sing more songs and a counselor from each cabin stands up to pray for the boys.
This morning, Mason B. won the fort building contest, Zander E. ran the furthest on the canoe bridge, and Davis M. and Sam A. won Sunday at the Masters, a Tradition like No Other! Sadly, no bull frogs were caught, but the guys still enjoyed playing around in the lake.
When the lunch bell rang, the guys headed down to the Tuck for a hearty meal of roast beef and potatoes. With a meal like that, it was only fitting that rest time today became REST HOUR.
Free time on Sunday is different too. Instead of only an hour and a half, it lasts all afternoon! Today, a huge free swim is taking place as well as a volleyball tournament and mountain biking.
Tonight is going to be a lot of fun. The boys will get to have a cookout at the mark. What they don’t know is that the girls from Merri-Mac are coming to camp for a mixer and to join Vespers as well as tonight’s firework show!
Sunday’s are always my favorite day of the week, and I’m glad it’s finally here again.
Signing off,
Nick Leonard
Proud Seminole