The Last of Many Days

The Last of Many Days
“Wake up Lil Slaty, it’s a new day!”, rumbled through our cabin, startling the entirety of senior camp. This was a phrase that had become very familiar to me, as my co-counselor found it appropriate to wake up our cabin this way for the past month. As groups of campers made their way to the tuck, the smell of breakfast filled the air, accompanied with the sound of growling stomachs. With breakfast progressing, campers began to transfer from their morning haze and into a realization that today was no ordinary day; yet today was the last day of camp. The first full session of camp was coming to a close, however, it felt as if it was yesterday when camp was full of eager faces ready to begin.
Being the last day of camp, many campers were keen to begin their daily activities, especially because tonight was the final camp fire. One significant part of the final campfire is the recognition of campers who have shown resilience and achieved a bar in their activities. From kayakers in the lake to archers at the ranges, camp was filled with campers getting in their last opportunities at a bar.
The day progressed into night and the countdown to the final campfire began to gradually wind down. I found myself covered in my tribal paints of blue and gold, alongside many other staff members representing their tribes, awaiting the arrival of the campers. Then, we heard it: “BOOM…. BOOM….” went the sound of the tribal drums as they closed in on the council ring where the final campfire would be held. With not a pale face in sight, colors of blue + gold and black + white flooded into the council ring, led by their fierce chiefs. With seats full and silence among the forest, it was time to start the final campfire. A member of the Iroquois bolted towards the middle of the council ring, torch in hand, and lit the fire. Now this was no ordinary fire, this was the final camp fire, thus an intense glow filled the council ring. The first activity head approached the fire and began to read off campers who had achieved bars in their respected class. As each activity head read names, it was astounding to see how hard so many campers have worked to achieve such an honor.
Now bars are not the only thing acknowledged during the final campfire. In each cabin, campers and counselors decide upon commendations for a few campers who show signs of leadership among the cabin and camp as a whole. A representative counselor from each cabin began to stand up and read of the names of campers who received such a high honor among camp. Proud faces began to approach their respected counselors to shake their hands and then place their painted hands on “the standard,” a large wooden post covered with past camper hand prints.
With the accumulation of bars, commendations and other challenges at camp, comes the progression of rankings. Several campers were acknowledged for their new rankings, except for one in particular, little chief, the highest honor we have at camp. To be little chief takes time and dedication, thus making its acknowledgment special. As the council ring fell quiet, we waited as the little chief recipients were being recognized deep into the woods by little chiefs of earlier times. A roar of excitement bellowed through the woods.
In closing to the ceremony, the eldest cabin of Greybeard approached the front of the council ring and began to describe the impact camp has had on them through the years. The words that occupied the air were emotional at times and brought tears to many eyes. Hearing how camp had impacted every single camper was a blessing and a true testimony towards every young camper who still has years to come at camp. To end the ceremony, every camper walked by with a stick and placed it into the fire, symbolizing the mark they had left on this camp. As the fire burned out and campers left the ring I began to think: Camp Timberlake isn’t a place where you come and leave never to be part of again, yet a place where an everlasting family is formed. This is Jackson Carter signing out, thanks for reading.
Jackson Carter
Powerful Seminole
Lil Slaty
Liberty University
Camper: Howe Aronson, Bob Griffin
Counselor: Charlie Mould, Grant Garcia
Finch’s Landing
Camper: Carson Brockmeier Ayden Miller
Counselor: David Smith
Further Up
Camper: Jackson Israel, Reid Patterson
Counselor: Reid Patterson, James Keel
Further In
Camper: Topher Cook, Alex Fry
Counselor: Topher Cook, Timmy Mitch
Little Piney
Camper: Luke Holtzman, Brent Sonne
Counselor: Luke Holtzman, Brent Sonne
Big Piney
Camper: Lucas Obrecht, Nate Orlowski
Counselor: Wyatt Mayfield, William Benson
Stomper’s Knob
Camper: Max Custer, Hugh Sheehan
Counselor: Max Custer, Austin Sparks
Little Slaty
Camper: Alex Eastland, Ryan Overstreet, Mitchell Gay
Counselor: Sam Allgood, Davis Maffett
Big Slaty
Camper: Khari Davis, Parker Kuczmanski
Counselor: Michael Cooper, Jack Eastland
Camper: Jake Lange, David Fryman
Counselor: Miles Bogdahn, Gabe Venero
Bronze: Richard Burrow
Silver: Brent Sonne, William Burrow
Bronze: Lucas Obrecht, Mitchell Gay
Coleman Heaton, Parker Kuczmanski, Jack Belt
Bronze: Alex Fry, Ryan Glick, Grayson
Linville, Brent Sonne, Max Custer, Davis Maffet, Coburn Blackinton, Parker Kuczmanski
Bronze: Jeb Joyner, Ryker Rojas, Caleb Levitsky, Sean Larson, Oliver Nickerson
Silver: Shade Joyner, Jack Eastland
Gold: Britt Ferguson
Bronze: Bryce Burke, Coburn Blackinton,
Charlie Hudspeth, Jason Huff, Wyatt Mayfield
Silver: Logan Brown
Gold: David Fryman, Thompson Beavers
Mountain Biking
Bronze: Liam Brandt, Mateo Brandt, Thompson Beavers
Silver: Mason Beavers, Miles Bogdhan
Gold: Owen Stout
Bronze: Elliott Dent, Grant Garcia, Charlie Mould, David Smith
Silver: David Fryman
Bronze: Henry Combs, David Holtzman, Cameron Kise, Finn Destafano
Scout (white band): Bob Griffin, Carson Brockmeier, Shade Joyner, Charlie Mould, Reid Patterson
Tracker (green band): Brent Sonne
Hunter (blue band): Jack Eastland, Jonah Obrecht, Thomas Williams
Warrior (red band): Miles Bogdahn
Little Chief: Jack Belt, Owen Stout, David Fryman