Haw Yeee Y’all

Haw Yeee Y’all
HAW YEEE Y’all Day Joe Boy Cow Happy. That is to say Happy Cowboy Joe Day, everybody. For those of y’all that aren’t familiar with our backwards day, here’s a snapshot into a day that is anything but typical. We go about the day talking backwards, we wear our clothes backwards, mismatched shoes, and a reversed schedule starting the day with our Fourth period and ending with First.
As the sun rose on the cabins on Senior Hill and in the Junior Valley we all sat up for a brief minute at seven o’clock and then decided to slumber on for another whole hour. We were then reawoken by the howlers and hoots from the senior staff who delivered nutdoughs (doughnuts) and milk to the campers. We then put on our clothes backwards and moved on up to The Mark for a morning Tribal game of BattleBall!
From Battleball we move on with the day going to our activities to work on bars and fine tune the skills we learned last week. In Riflery today, David R. blasted away at his Bronze groupings while Dylan C. diligently continued to grind on his Gold. Advancing in fencing William V., Jake B., Jake T., & Cullen L. earned their Bronzes. Basketball was pretty good today as Will G. earned his bronze, and Drew J. Is close to getting his Gold. Our instructor was quite proud of the hard work the boys have been putting in. Best friends Hays L. & Owen W. winged it to get their Bronzes in Improv. Charles J. diligently attacked his Bronze in climbing learning new knots to help him progress on future walls. In pottery pots were glazed and Archie D. produced an exquisite dish. In an impressive feat of skill Dash V. shredded the gnar today on the pump track in mountain biking.
At lunch we had a Thanksgiving meal and found out that the Seminoles won in Stealing Skins defeating both the Iroquois, and for the first time ever the counselors. This upset stopped the Iroquois from a straight sweep this session.
As the weather stayed temperate on our topsy-turvy day the upper cabins were capable of having one of the freest of swims today in the lake. While everyone else enjoyed being able to glaze pots, climb the tower, & play field sports.
Out on trips today climbers Grant S., Jackson D., Reid C., JT H., Zach M., Noah V., JT D., Tommy A., & Scott B. went out bouldering. Canoers Tyson M., Drew J., Carson H., Sebastian O., Archie D., David S., & Josh K. took out our largest canoe, The Voyager, to Lake James where their bearing was to only find adventure and headed straight towards it as they paddled around the watering hole. Still out surviving on the Man Trip Phillip S., Clark W., Parker C., Daniel Y., Henri F-P., Geoffrey M., Edward C., Evan F., Aiden G., Rawson C., & Chance R. have one more night and we’re anticipating the stories to be told about the two night hike.
Back at LakeTimber Camp (remember it’s Cowboy Joe Day) this evening we ate a barbecue on the beach instead of in the Tuck, which included apple pies and the camp famous Snively Sauce. We followed this up with the County Fair.
Anyway as I write, Taps is going off in Junior camp so I have to stealthily make my way back to the cabin. Thanks for reading.
Shoot ‘em Straight,
Taylor Moody
Riflery Instructor
Go Iroquois!