Little Chief

Little Chief
Today was another exciting day here at Camp Timberlake. However, it has been a day that brought with the sun two extreme feelings; excitement of a new day, and a realization that 3A is unfortunately coming to a close.
As the sun rose on the cabins of Senior Hill and in the Junior Valley, we all got up, made our beds, and headed on down to The Tuck; the aromas of egg and sausage sandwiches drifting towards the cabins. We ate as fast as we could to get outside so Austin S. could help us to shout away the sleepiness at Morning Yell. Running on the energy produced by our healthy breakfast and our morning tradition, most of the campers proceeded to race up to chapel at The Mark. Those who didn’t were: Andres D., Enrique D., Charlie J., & Teddy O., which instead were heading out to shred the gnar on the mountain bike trails of the Nantahala; Carter H., Ethan H., Dallas M., Noah V., & William V. who with a buoyant attitude went to hot-dog it at Lake James where they all managed to stand up while waterskiing; and Turner A., Nolan B., Brandon B., Asher C., Nicholas D., Miller F., Briggs F., Bryan H., David R., & Cole R. who all went out on an amazing Huckleberry Hike to the waterfalls of the Catawba.
This morning during chapel we sang (or at least tried to a few of us were off key), and John William H. gave us a true story. Following chapel we were told that today was no ordinary day. Today was going to be a special day where our cabin cleanup wouldn’t just include cleaning, oh no it was going to include packing our stuff.
So we cleaned and packed through what would normally have been our first period, but we still went to our first period. Now you may be asking yourself, “ how did the kids miss their first period and yet still go to their first periods?” Well I’m going to tell you. By using the power of hindsight we looked back at how our Cowboy Joe Day starts with a later initial activity we had an exciting discovery. If we followed our Cowboy Joe Day schedule, but moved forwards instead of going backwards we would be able to participate in all of our activities!
This new schedule allowed us to go to our first period then to lunch where we munched on one of our favorite camp delicacies Stromboli, and learned that the IROQUOIS had one the first ever Timberlympics. We then all headed on to the “Best time…. Rest Time.” After rest time we had an exhilarating Free Time with a Paintball tournament put on by Dylan C., an 11v11 Soccer game, tree climbing, Spikeball, Rocket Launches worthy of being watched by NASA, Pottery glazing, some continued fort building, and one of the freest of swims with the lake being open to all ages. Once free time ended we headed onto our second, third, and fourth period activities.
In our activities today in Cooking they made some heavenly banana bread. Riflery deciding they weren’t yet tired of becoming sharpshooters Chancellor R. & Clark W. earned their Bronzes. Making those kicks, tosses and throws John Michael F. earned a GOLD in Field Sports. Daniel Y. Strummed out some power chords and tunes for his Silver in Guitar. In Rocketry Magne E. blasted off for his GOLD, and Grant S., Lance K., Lowry S., & Dylan C. counted down for their Silvers. Making buckets in Basketball both David R. & Drew J. swished it for their GOLDs.
Following our days activities we moved to a dinner of country fried steak with all the fixings including gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, and peaches. This was followed by the all time favorite dessert of campers and counselors alike S’MORE POCKETS!!! Just as the excitement that comes from inhaling our delicious s’more pockets started to dwindle as if appearing from thin air The Sultan of Fun helped us to raise the roof once more. His announcement for this thrilling Thursday’s evening activity was LITTLE CHIEF FIRE & Commando.
For those of y’all that don’t yet know what the Little Chief Fire or Commando are I can provide a little clarity. Commando is Timberlake’s water balloon battle, and is one of the key games that helps to earn the coveted tribal banner. Little Chief is our way of allowing campers to track the progress they’ve had of their years at camp through earning bars, promotions, and commendations. The Little Chief Fire is our time of recognition and shows everyone what campers have progressed through the bars or who have been leaders in their cabins from both the campers & counselors points of view. This allows them to earn their way in promotions from Scout all the way up to the venerable Little Chief.
As this evening brings along the end of 3A we look back at the memories we’ve had and can’t help but smile at the good times we’ve had and friends we’ve made. While being a little disappointed about this being the end we can look on happily that a year is a rather short span of time, and we’ll all be back sooner than we think. Anyway I can hear the shouts from the trail so I guess I should head up to the Council Ring before the fire turns to embers. Thank you for reading and entrusting your boys with us this session. We look forward to seeing you parents coming tomorrow, and having everyone back next year at CAMP TIMBERLAKE!!!
Shoot ‘em Straight,
Taylor Moody
Riflery Instructor
Go Iroquois!
Little Chief Recognitions
Camper: Brandon B. & Miller F.
Counselor: Tripp R., Turner A.
Finch’s Landing
Camper: John R. & Max B.
Counselor: William V. & Wake P.
Further Up
Camper: Teddy F. & Jack P.
Counselor: Caleb P. & Jack P.
Further In
Camper: Patrick M. & Bobby D.
Counselor: Jackson D. & Davis P.
Little Piney
Camper: Will G. & Blake W.
Counselor: Constanin B. & Sam H.
Big Piney
Camper: Owen W. & Hays L.
Counselor: Owen W. & Hays L.
Stomper’s Knob
Camper: Jake T. & Mason J.
Counselor: Ethan C. & Jonathan H.
Little Slaty
Camper: David R. & Spencer L.
Counselor: David R. & Alex W.
Big Slaty
Camper: Magne E. & Drew J.
Counselor: Sebastian P. & Enrique D.
Camper: Archie D. & Parker C.
Counselor: Josh K. & Tyson M.
Bronze: Hays L, JT D., Chris D.
Bronze: Jonathan H., Carson H., Rees R., Ethan C., Dylan C., JT H.
Silver: Teddy O.
Gold: Dylan C.
Bronze: Sebastian P., James S., Chris D., Blake W., Charlie W.
Silver: Archie D., Josh K., Carson H., Jack G., Ethan C., Chancellor R.
Gold: Drew J., David R.
Bronze: Grant S., Freddy V., Sebastian P., Charlie J., Archie D., Charlie S.
Bronze: DJ A., Bobby D., Eli M., Briggs F., Cole R., Alex W., John R., Diego T., Sanders A., Charlie H., Jake T., Jake B., Cullen L., William V., Tripp R., Juan T., Nico D.
Silver: Zach M., Hays L., Rawson B., Chris D., Thomas M., Grady R., JT D.
Gold: Magne E.
Field Sports
Silver: Evan F., Drew J., Archie D., Carson H., Henri F-P.
Gold: John Michael F.
Bronze: Dylan C., Geoffrey M.
Gold: Archie D.
Bronze: Jackson D., Jackson D., John Michael F., Tyson M., Sebastian P., Dylan C., Nicolas D., Davis O., Hays L., Owen W., Davis P., Freddy V.
Bronze: Drew S., David R., Charlie J.
Bronze: Archie D., David R.
Gold: Dylan C.
Bronze: Ethan H., Ethan C., Smith LP.
Silver: Peyton W., Sam H., Charles T., Jackson D., Grant S.
Gold: Hays L., Magne E.
Sanders A., Jackson D., Thomas M., Eli M.
Davis O.
Davis P.
Ethan C., Chris D., Alex W., Blake W.
John Michael F., Jack G., Evan F., Hays L., Drew S., Owen W.
Edward C., Dylan C., Magne E., David R., Chancellor R.
Henri F-P., Daniel Y., Carson H., Teddy O., Josh K.