Yosemite Decimal System

Yosemite Decimal System
Another great Friday at Camp Timberlake is in the books. The boys ate a great breakfast filled with a casserole and blueberry muffins. Once their bellies were full they headed up to chapel to sing-along to a mix of “Pharaoh Pharaoh” and “Every Move I Make” which are camper favorites. The boys really got into worship and listened to another true story with Mark L. After chapel the boys raced to their cabins to compete in cabin cleanup: a competition they take very seriously. Cabin Huckleberry (the youngest cabin) has been knocking it out of the park with multiple 10s in the past 2 weeks, and the rest of camp cleaned to establish their dominance once again. It’s amazing how hard campers will clean for a Golden Plunger, and a pizza party.
After 1st and 2nd period, camp moved to the dining hall (the Tuck) for lunch. IT WAS PIZZA AND PRETZELS DAY. Pizza and pretzels day is the best lunch of all time, and that put everybody in a great mood. Big Slaty won cabin cleanup. The Seminoles won lower cabin kickball last night (go Noles), and the Iroquois won Ultimate basketball (roll Quois). After lunch, the camp moved to my favorite time: rest time. Rest time is best time followed by free time where the campers got trading post candy, and they continued to work on bars in their activities. Kayaking worked on “hip snaps,” and “side to side rescues.” Climbing learned about the wonders of the Yosemite Decimal System, and the Cabin of Graybeard worked on their skit all of my boys decided that they wanted to be in one Improv class together and now they are writing a skit for vespers on Sunday. This is unprecedented in Camp Timberlake history.
Tonight is the Little Chief ceremony, which motivated each and every camper to work on finishing up bars in their classes as they aim to receive promotions. (All commendations, bars, and promotions are listed below).
Silver: Gresham C.
Bronze: Troy A., Daniel A., Tommy A., Daniel F., Charlie W., Charlie S., Declan Q., Gresham C., Harrison D., and Spencer VG.
Silver: Sebastian P.
Field Sports
Bronze: Henry O., Ferdinand B., and Alex W.
Bronze: Spencer L., Elliot D., Ethan S., Teddy O., Wyatt M., and Joseph L.
Bronze: Rawson B., Magne E., Michael F., Aiden G., Geoffrey M., Teddy O., Sebastian P., and Chase S.
Bronze: Charlie J.
Silver: Gresham C.
Camper: Nicholas D., Banks O.
Counselor: Nicholas D., Banks O.
Finch’s Landing
Camper: Tripp R., Miller F., Elliott D.,
Counselor: Ryland S., Henry P., Brandon B.
Further Up
Camper: Will V., Troy A., Matthew A.
Counselor: Matthew A., Max B., Ethan H.
Further In
Camper: Jack P., Elliott P.
Counselor: Charlie H., Elliott P.
Little Piney
Camper: Davis P., Henry O., Oliver M.
Counselor: Grant S., Davis P., JT D.
Big Piney
Camper: Will G., JT H. Constantin B.
Counselor: Constantin B., JT H., Samuel H.
Stomper’s Knob
Camper: Reese R., Oliver R., Noah V.
Counselor: Oliver R., Alex W., Brayden C.
Little Slaty
Camper: Daniel A., Scott B.
Counselor: Jackson G., Jake T.
Big Slaty
Camper: Chancelor R., Charlie J.
Counselor: Thomas D., Ethan C.
Camper: Magne E., Enrique D., Geoffrey M.
Counselor: Magne E., Rostin B., Charlie S.
Scout (White)
Troy A.
Brandon B.
Harrison D.
Nicholas D.
Banks O.
Guide (Gold)
Matthew A.
Max B.
Elliott D.
Elliott P.
Pioneer (Orange)
Charlie H.
Tracker (Green)
Constantin B.
Patrick M.
Davis P.
Sebastian P.
Declan Q.
Ted Q.
Dash V.
Hunter (Blue)
Will G.
Samuel H.
Warrior (Red)
Michael F.
Jack G.
Pathfinder (black)
Magne E.
Will Krispin
Greybeard Counselor