Today marks another wonderful Sunday here at Camp Timberlake. After enjoying an extra hour of sleep this morning, the boys got to enjoy the coveted Sunday breakfast of cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk, a once-a-session occurrence. After eating their fill and straining to be the loudest at the morning yell, the boys were off to chapel, where they sang a camp favorite, “Noah”! Instead of the usual true story, each cabin had a counselor lift up the prayer requests of our campers before cabin clean-up. During the clean-up, Greybeard Cabin worked to remind all of camp who’s on top and won the day with a score of a 9.75/10!


Here at Timberlake, Sundays are a day of rest and fun. Instead of our usual classes, multiple competitions, such as fort building, sandcastle crafting, fish catching, and a Sunday at the Masters (a disc-gold tradition like no other), were taking place all over camp. At lunch, the boys got to enjoy roast beef and another unique Sunday tradition, dessert before dinner. The most exciting part of lunch, the evening activity announcement, sent all the Seminoles to the best hour, rest hour, very happy with the knowledge that they had been victorious in Saturday night’s game, Age of Empires. Once they had gotten a very necessary hour of rest, the boys carried out the time-honored tradition of sprinting as fast as possible to the trading post and continuing from there to free-time activities with bellies full of candy. Swimmers were racing down the swim lanes by the beach trying to earn bars, aspiring climbers were going up and down the tree by the chapel as fast as their legs could carry them, and the rest of the campers were enjoying a nice afternoon at the lake which included the blob and the rope swing. 


Tonight, our young men are headed to Tribal Soccer and Basketball after an amazing cookout of burgers and hot dogs, and then it’ll be off to bed with another amazing Timberlake Sunday in the books. 



Morgan Youngdale 

Further Up Counselor