Welcome to camp!

Welcome to camp!
Welcome to camp! Session 3B is officially underway and we wanted to be the first to welcome you to our nightly Timberlake blog post. Each evening we will post an update on all of the great things going on here at camp. You’ll hear about daily activities, out of camp trips, tribal competitions and likely some very vivid descriptions of our delicious camp food. Our goal is to give our extended camp family a glimpse into the world our boys are experiencing each day here at Timberlake and share just a few of the things that make camp so special.
Every day is a great day at camp, but opening days are particularly exciting. The whole campus was buzzing as we welcomed back lots of familiar faces and got to say hello to new faces as well. Families checked in at the big house and then got their camper settled into the cabins. After check in, all of the boys headed down to beautiful Lake Newcomb for the swim check. Even though it was cool this morning, by the time the afternoon rolled around all of the guys were ready for a quick swim.
Our first big event of the session was tribal initiation, where we welcome our new campers into one of the two tribes here at Timberlake: the powerful Seminoles and the mighty Iroquois. We take our tribes very seriously here at camp and once you are initiated you are in your tribe for life. Today we initiated a great group of warriors, faithful to their tribe.
Our new Seminoles are: Isaac H, Ellison H, Walker K, Nihl S, Jack M, Cole N, Andrew D, Vance M, Eli W, Chase T, and Beckett B.
Our new Iroquois are: Michael J, Will M, Turner W, Tristan W, Owen W, Alex H, Zach M, Reid S, Alexander D, Lucas S, Thomas B, Bradford C, Reid C, Max G, Grady G, Bryce B, Sam J, and Cameron T.
As I write this, the boys are currently playing our first evening activity of the session, Sock War. Picture a giant capture the flag style game where everybody is throwing balled up socks at each other and you can get an idea. We are so thankful to have this great group of guys here are can’t wait to get started on an amazing two weeks at Timberlake!
Great Camping,
Director, Camp Timberlake
Proud Seminole