Race to the banner!

Race to the banner!
Another great day at Timberlake was added to the books for our campers. After slowly rolling out of bed they started off the day with a sweet breakfast of pancakes and sausage. The boys shook off the last of their tiredness with a thunderous morning yell and some glorious songs at chapel.
There were a few trips today. David R., Keegan K., Ben A., Riley D., Rawson B., and Chase S. went climbing; Jack A., Carson G., Court J., Noah W., Ian W., and Owen W. went fly fishing; and Isaac H., Samuel C., Cameron T., Aaron S., Eiji T., Michael F., William S., and Joey B. reached the summit of lookout mountain today on their two night overnight backpacking trip. We’re looking forward to seeing them return tomorrow!
After a quick cabin cleanup, all the campers headed to their classes. Cameron T. earned his bronze bar in swimming and Elliot S. got his silver bar. Also, Philip S. gracefully glazed his pottery project with stupendous style. Our campers worked up a nice appetite for lunch and ate Italian subs. Big Slaty and Little Slaty tied for the cleanest cabin, so the contest for the golden plunger is neck and neck as we go into the last few days of camp. Also, tribal soccer was won by the Seminoles but the Iroquois took tribal basketball which makes these last couple of battles crucial for the race to the banner.
The boys fueled up on pasta and broccoli for dinner and are playing Age of Empires tonight so come back tomorrow to see what happens!
Harrison Horn
Big Piney Counselor
Hail State
Go Noles!