Hydration Never Takes a Vacation!

Hydration Never Takes a Vacation!
John Menendez - June 15th 2022
Before the heat of summer fell over camp, the familiar bugle rang and awoke Camp Timberlake for a wonderful day of fun-filled adventures. Delicious, syrupy waffles and hot sausage patties were for breakfast (much to the camper’s delight), and marked the beginning of an exciting morning for everyone. Winston Horn led an incredible morning yell (heard on the Moon!!) to harken the campers to Chapel, where John Menendez discussed the difficult question of “What is the cross?” through his personal anecdote of being trapped in the Atlanta subway metro.
After a very successful cabin cleanup, campers traveled far and wide across Timberlake property to partake in all varieties of activities. Ray S earned his silver bar in Airsoft during an intense tournament versus both campers and counselors, Finn S and Wesley S both got their silvers in Basketball, and lots of campers worked towards the elusive gold bar in riflery—Reed M, Jimmy A, and Allen W all earned their bronze, while Lucas O put the finishing work in on his silver! In the lake, both Wesley S and Kenny C managed to knock down their rolls in kayaks, a skill invaluable on the river and a monumental milestone in their personal growth in the kayak.
For lunch, hot dogs on a hot day (with plenty of cold water to wash them down)! Campers celebrated this meal with good cheer and lots of smiles, before quieting down for an uneventful rest time (which is a good thing!). During free time—after receiving their necessary trading post—campers trekked all across camp for various activities, including archery, riflery, mountain biking, kayaking, diving, and rocketry. Alongside six others, Oliver H launched his rocket high into the sky (after some last minute modifications) for a successful completion of his rocketry bronze.
The afternoon activities followed, and the canoeing class was privileged enough to take a ride on the gargantuan Voyager canoe, seating 6 happy campers and two counselors! Will B usurped Seth Brahney to earn his fencing gold, field sports competed for the World Cup, and Lucas O and Harrison C both earned groupings toward the archery gold bar. Over at disc golf, Edward S completed all necessary tasks for his bronze, and deep into the woods, Nate G ran his 5th Crooked Mile run. Just one more run for that glorious mark towards Little Chief!
For dinner, campers enjoyed a delectable sweet and sour chicken—with a delicious ice cream sandwich dessert to top it off. Finally, the evening activity was announced: the fan favorite, Search and Destroy. Who will find and deliver the Big Bomb to the enemy base? Only time will tell.
Teddy Oakey
Huckleberry Counselor