3A Opening Day 2019

3A Opening Day 2019
Third session 2019 is officially underway! Welcome to the Camp Timberlake daily blog. Each night we will post a short article detailing some of the great things that happened that day at camp. Our goal is to be able to give our families a glimpse into the world their boys are experiencing here at Timberlake. You’ll hear about exciting evening activities, out of camp trips, special events, and probably some very detailed descriptions of our delicious camp food.
Opening Day is like Christmas for camp directors and today certainly did not disappoint. We had the opportunity to welcome back familiar faces and got to meet lots of new families too. After check in, the boys headed down to the lake for a swim check. Even though it wasn’t a particularly hot day here at camp, the water still felt great.
As I watched the different cabins cycle through the swim check, I was struck to see so many of our returning campers chatting with, and engaging boys who were here for the very first time. What makes camp special is hard to articulate, but those interactions come closest to capturing it. Timberlake is special because everybody here belongs. No matter if it’s your 1st year or 10th (yes, we have a camper in his 10th year), the moment you step on the property you are ‘in’: a part of the camp family.
Another way we’re able to welcome boys in is through our tribal initiation. On your first day of camp, you are initiated into a tribe you will be a part of for life. Today we initiated an outstanding group of new warriors, faithful to their tribe.
Our new Iroquois are: Jackson G, Oliver K, Keaton dJ, Santi D, Henry P, Henry O, Ethan S, and Wyatt M.
Our new Seminoles are: Oliver R, Whit T, William V, Joey D, James F, Daniel F, Hudson S, Thomas D, Tyler B, and Colin B
As I type this I can hear the sounds of a raucous sock war being waged all over the property. Picture a large scale, capture the flag style game where you get your opponent out by throwing a balled up sock at him and you can kind of get the idea. Tonight there were daring raids, stealthy sneak attacks and a whole lot of action. Be sure to tune in tomorrow to find out who won!
Catherine and I are truly thankful for the opportunity to work with such a fine group of guys. Thank you for sharing them with us and we’re looking forward to a great session!
Director Camp Timberlake