Day 2: Tribal Elections!

Day 2: Tribal Elections!
Today was yet another great day here at Camp Timberlake! We awoke bright and early to the sound of the bugle, ready for an amazing day. We started off the day with some delicious eggs, potatoes, biscuits, and gravy. After breakfast, the climbing trip left with Reid P., Harrison W., Graham W., Carson G., Patrick A., Trey W., Preston K., and Mac K.
After breakfast and cabin clean-up was chapel where John gave his true story for the day after singing The Banana Song, Nothing but the Blood, and Behold our God. Once we finished up with chapel, we headed to our Tuesday classes for the first time for the safety talks.
For lunch today, we had some fantastic chicken wraps, fruit, and some french fries. At lunch, John announced the winners of cabin clean-up and the evening activities. For junior camp, Finch’s landing won cabin cleanup and the Seminoles won both Kickball and Stealing Skins. For senior camp, Graybeard won cabin clean-up, the Seminoles won Great Escape, and the Iroquois won El Presidente.
After lunch, the tribes went and elected their tribal leaders. The lookouts for the Iroquois are Barrett C., Evan B., David H., Alex B., Carson B., and Nikola G. The lookouts for the Seminoles are Aubrey S., Wells F., Duma M., Boone G., George d, and Matthew G. The elder is Max C. for the Seminoles and Thomas H. for the Iroquois. The Iroquois chief is Gresham C. and the Seminole chief is Spencer M.
Once the tribal elections happened, we headed to the best time: rest time. Once rest time rolled through, we headed to free time where both the Red Fox’s and the Golden Eagles had a free swim! Right after the Golden Eagles had their free-swim it started raining. We all went back to our cabins for a little cabin time while we waited for the rain to die down. After the rain slowed down, we headed on to our second set of activities for the day.
Once the activities were over, we headed down to dinner where we had some delicious meatloaf, corn, and ice cream for dessert. Once we finished dinner, we headed to our evening activities to continue our competition for the infamous banner.
Daniel Milligan
Pottery instructor