Today was a beautiful day at camp! The fog rolled over the mountains and the lake for a nice,
slow, and refreshing start to the day. To make the morning even better, the boys enjoyed a
sausage, egg, cheese, and potato breakfast casserole and coffee cake with a side of fruit.

After breakfast, two adventure trips headed out of camp: a climbing trip to Beacon Heights and a
kayaking trip to the mighty, mighty Tuckasegee River. On the kayaking trip, Ben C. got his combat
roll and everyone else had a stellar time on the river playing around and learning new skills for
future trips. The climbing trip set out to Beacon Heights to hike up and do some bouldering.
While the boys love the boulder and rock wall at camp, there is nothing like getting your hands on some real

Back at camp, the campers dug into Taco-in-a-Bag (with Doritos, of course) for lunch and
learned that the Iroquois won Stealing Skins the night before. Stealing Skins is an intense game
where the Seminoles, the Iroquois, and the staff run and try to steal each team’s skins that are
held within a circle without getting out. It is definitely a camp favorite! After lunch, rest time
was very much needed, and getting Trading Post delivered to your cabin after rest time is truly
the best!

Activities came back in full force with boys canoeing, shooting rifles, playing tennis,
learning about backpacking, mountain biking and so much more. There is never a dull moment
at camp! An afternoon storm rolled through our little valley, but that never stops camp from
continuing on. The cool air after the storm was a blessed relief from the heat. A highlight of
the day was after the storm, our Golden Eagles and Black Bears were waiting to go to dinner,
and John Menendez, the camp director, led the boys in a fun game of “John Says” (also known as
Simon Says). John is a tricky one, so those boys had to watch closely!

Dinner was a hearty meal of chicken, veggies, rice, and cookies (a personal favorite). Ian B. celebrated his 14th birthday
complete with a serenade of “Happy Birthday” from the whole camp as well as a special cake!

Finally, the boys all ran off to play California Kickball, Stealing Skins, and the legendary BATTLEBALL!!!!! Can’t wait to
see who wins!!!

After such a full day, you know these boys will be sleeping well tonight, but we
can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring!

Margaret Patton